Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Ah, to be young and blissfully ignorant

I am consuming the most interesting beer from the Bell's logo, out of the Kalamzoo Brewing Co. in Comstock, Mi. Wheat Eight Ale. As black as my soul, with a smooth and hearty flavor - but before you ever get that pilsner glass to your maul, holy shit. This beer has the most un-beerlike and strongest aroma I've ever encountered. Wheaty. Wierd. I digress, but check it if you got the junk.

Some claim that irony is the highest level of wit. Others that irony holds the key to the deepest tragedy.

Today I was reading up on some of the changes that have taken place within the government agency that oversees the mining industry in our country since 2001. How the Bush administration, similar to how they fucked up FEMA in order to make it into little more than an avenue of profit for their financial supporters, appointed fuckers to head up this agency who came right from the owners of the industry - either former executives or lobbyists - and they fucked it up good.

Since their objectives were obviously to protect the money making potential of their investments, they began pulling the teeth out of this agency and getting hardcore lackidasical about enforcing fines and other penalties. A few years of operations without any oversight, accidents start to happen. Fuck, this one journalist I was listening to was detailing the rules which had been retracted in the last few years that, if they had still been in place, would have directly affected the types of accidents we've seen in the last few weeks.

This is just business as usual for Mr. Bush.

Like the nasty shit we heard about at the human rights violations hearings over the weekend. Our President going out and talking about how terrible Saddam be while one of our number one allies in the 'war on terror' is the horrific tyrant controlling Uzbekistan. 500 fucking million U.S. taxpayer dollars sent to that little patch of hell on earth just in 2002 alone. That fucker learned damn well from the soviets how to run a fucking terror state, you never know who to trust or when 'security' forces are going to pick you up - and when they do, you will be praying for a quick death. They boil human beings to death there. They hold teenager's hands in boiling liquid til the skin falls off. They rape men with broken bottles.

Yet all this bloody, soul blackening irony is lost on this nation like nutrients through a pissing drunk. You won't hear about this on 'religious radio.' I heard the 'AP Network News' that those bastards played yesterday. A clip of Mr. Bush defending his domestic spying program, a one liner about hearings in a few weeks, and then on to the religion desk where they gave up another twenty seconds to Mr. Bush encouraging the 'noble cause' of some anti-abortion rally somewhere (and reaffirming the connection between their beliefs and their image of Mr. Bush.)

I'm sure none of this shit makes it into the radar of those poor, sinful dumbfucks who listen to right wing radio. Yeah, I want to get my take on how the world works from fuckers who are paid
to spread the neo-con talking points. Hey motherfuckers, the revolution will not be televised. The revolution will not be on Clear Channel. The revolution will not be something you sit on your ass and hear about later.

Ah, to be young and blissfully fucking ignorant. "I know we get our clothes from sweatshops, but I prefer not to think about it." The veil of bullshit our media haphazardly throws up around youz has sundry loose threads - yet you choose not to pull on any of them. "I just want to be happy, I deserve to be happy." You don't deserve to be fucking happy. Most of our species has lead 'short, brutish lives.' By nothing other than the remarkable fortune of lottery did you escape a fate of subsistence farming and the plagues of poverty, war, and pestilence. But that good, indulge in the survival tactic of believing that you were 'blessed' or 'superior' and turn you back on those people. For fuck's sake, don't devote a fucking second of your blessed life to understanding how America's foreign policy, and your taxpayer dollars, makes damn shit sure that the balance of haves and have not stays that way.

"We want our country to have a strong defense" but your eyes glaze over at any mention of the Military Industrial Complex.

Way to go, you have something, a drug, that I refuse to let myself have. Focus on that job, focus on that family. When the shit gets too bad even for you to ignore, well, that will be the 'rapture' now won't it. You'll even look forward to that.

I like this beer, but maybe it's a little bitter.

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