Friday, January 27, 2006

Crazy thoughts

Just watched about five minutes of the O'Reilly Factor, where 'the bestselling author' discusses the topics of the day.

What a frightening crock of fucking shit.

I just spent a portion of my afternoon following up on some of the allegations I blogged about in my recent 'edjumacated' posting. This shit had me pondering some crazy thoughts. We all know that forces within the established power in our country were feeling the fear around the turn over to the 1900's. Anarchs and socialists were dragging down the structures of entrenched power and ordinary people were being enlightened to the question of 'why shouldn't our society try to benefit everyone, not just that small percentage born into wealth?' Dangerous times call for severe measures.

So folks like Dewey started to advocate a system based on the Prussian model of mass education, valued by the ruling class not for the quality of education it bestowed upon the individual, but the damage it inflicted upon the lower classes. I can't swear to this shit, I wasn't alive at the time, but this article by John Gatto makes some focused accusations. I'd need more free time than I possess to validate these out of print works, so I suppose some propagandist conjured all this up to motivate me against the establishment, but the gist of this arguement makes a lot of sense.

When I see Bill O'Reilly's patsy guest going on about how restorative justice advocates want to eliminate the notion of punishment as part of some misguided liberal plot to remake America according to their brain damaged delusions I think, holy fucking shit, people can't really believe this can they? But, curse the neurons that string together to give me personaility, the vast majority of folks don't understand that this entire network is owned by people who are determined to use the tactics of propaganda to advance their agenda. They can't play fair and win, the repeal of the fairness doctrine means they don't have to. When 20% of the population controls 80% of the wealth, democracy has to me 'managed', and shit like Fox News is a big part of that.

If one believes these crazy thoughts, the damage is not inflicted by Fox, the damage is inflicted by the education system that was devised over a hundred years ago to insure that us children of the lower classes never grew into adults - and try to deny that too damn many of the folks you know personally are really just immature children who have never had to grow up.

I myself have many foibles and addictions.

I can remember vividly many painful and isolating experiencing in my public school education. To think that those were not the valuable lessons of modern, urbane society, but a purposefully inflicted - purposefully damaging program to keep my generation and class in their place. I just don't know what to say or think.

We know that our enemies have killed the Robert Kennedys of the world. While we may never be able to prove it, the deaths of the Paul Wellstone's and Pat Tilman's leave too many questions to live with comfortably. This is class warfare, the entire dominance of a few family for many generations be at stake. That they would try to tear off our nuts before we knew what they were good for should not be a surprise. Fuck, Machievelli talked about the tricks of ruling the masses in the 1500's that are still shocking today, don't forget every one of our enemies has read him and a hundred other original sources.

Can we really live in a country where for the last hundred years the educational system has been designed to produced emotional retards who will buy whatever is displayed before them with the most pleasing combination of primary colors? Can we be trying to have a rational debate regarding politics and the direction of the world in a country where the majority of the population has been purposefully educated to the level of dim-witted twelve year olds? Perhaps that explains the postering of Kerry and Edwards; a society where rational, critical arguements have no value.

Are these crazy thoughts?

Made sense to me, that may or may not prove these thoughts to be crazy...
These are mad times, and one must generally be mad to have any sort of chance at being heard.

Check out my recent blog post for Christians... I'd really like to know the honest responses of the masses.
Josh, I'm still reading your blog but the bullshitster overlords seem to have kept my blog up (edited) while precluding me from posting or commenting. Get a real blog, man - Oh, and I'm sure you didn't mean that I was representative of 'the masses' . . .
Where did you find it? Interesting read » » »
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