Saturday, January 21, 2006

Fort Douglas - a lesson for today

More than once I have arranged the pixels upon my monitor, and your's perhaps, to enumerate all the areas whereupon the History Channel could improve the quality of their programming. Last night was not a night were the History Channel needed improvement.

'80 Acres of Hell', a program regarding the Union prison camp in Illinios was a frightening lesson. One that reinforced all those concepts that we should have learned as a people by now. I believe the value of this program can be outlined as follows:

I recommend this program to everyone as a helluva'n educational example. Set your DVR's.

Oh yes, the wierd puntuation from "the other place".

By the way, I tagged you for one of those stupid survey things. mwhahahahahahahaha
I dont know... Something like this has about the same amount of impact on me as, say, the crusades. Plenty of people died and it sure makes for interesting reading/television, but it really doesnt affect me on any deep emotional level. The way I figure it, is that anything not in my lifetime or the lifetime of those that affect me doesnt have huge impact on my daily life (with a few exceptions). I more like to focus on the atrocities that are happening now.
I appreciate proditio comment. I've often advocated the notion that violence and emotionally tragic events have circles of influence. Those who are closest have the greatest influence, but even something like 9/11 might only be ripples on the lake by the time it gets to suburban Minnesota white boyz. Time also has an affect.
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