Wednesday, January 11, 2006

More outrage at George's war

Some days, when I listen to the headlines at DemocracyNow it just blows my fucking mind.

The Iraqi journalist, Ali Fadhil, who won the Foreign Press Association's award for young journalist of the year a few months back, was awoken in the middle of the night to U.S. troops firing rounds into his bedroom. Amazingly, he and his wife survived, so they took him and interogated him with a bag over his head for a few hours, then gave him 1500 for 'damages' and dropped him off alone in the middle of Bagh-fucking-dad at night (Which, in my humble opinion, would be attempt at 'accidentally' getting him killed number two.)

I don't know why they bother, since even if he had finished his documentary on how wasteful the U.S. and British agents of occupation have been with the reconstruction funds over there, nobody in our media driven country seems to give a shit.

I mean, we've been over there for several years now and I don't think there is one single event that we can take some pride in. Not one single thing that has gone according to plan. Not a fucking cache of WMD anywhere. No reckoning in this country regarding how our President could have had such a blank check to lead us into war, or a serious discussion into how the intelligence agencies that are supposedly protecting us could have been rediculously wrong.

Yeah, they had elections, but apparently the pony show of democracy ain't enough. Violence has been on the rise constantly.

Yeah, we got rid of Saddam Hussein, but so what. His secret prisons and torture chambers are still in full operation, just that now it's Shia fanatics or white, American soilders operation them. Every fucking group seems to have its own death squads, and every day there are reports about another stack of bodies found tortured to death with power drills or some nasty shit like that. Was it Fisk, who reported recently on the deaths per month in Baghdad alone? Like, just in this one city, there would be over a thousand deaths every month. Many young men, women, and children with hands tied behind their back and a single shell to the head. Even Hussein's trial is just a big fucking joke to amuse those few Americans who still get off on some rightie telling them how powerful our military machine is. The carefully timed and specific charges, to insure that he's brought to justice for a horrible crime that just happens to not drag any U.S. officials or important corporate interests into it.

Lets see. After an assassination attempt against him, Saddam brought the full horrors of his security apparatus against the people of those towns. After a murderous, bloody display of defiance involving the remains of four contractors, the U.S. military brought the full horrors of our military machine to level the city of Fallujah. The only distinction here is in the means. Both are attempts to crush a peoples' will to resist by making an example. This is the sociological beat down, where the dominate force attempts to make one thing clear. We are an unstoppable force. if you incur our wrath, nothing will protect you from the consequences - and the consequences will be fucking unbelievably bad. This ain't nothing new.

Oh, and it seems all you folks with the 'cost of the Iraq war' counters running are going to have to download an update. Former World Bank chief economist Joseph Stiglitz and Harvard lecturer Linda Bilmes have released a study that puts the cost of war are more like a trillion dollars. They add in the 25$ barrel increase in oil and all the medical costs of the soilders who have come back from Iraq with spinal cord and brain damage, yeah, I think we can admit that that's a legitimate part of the 'costs of war.'

So even if you take the cynical, machievellian arguement (that the downing street memo supports) that the Bush Administration chose to hype up low quality intel and ignore the experts for a war that was meant to secure oil access and show the world that this superpower stills got the cahones to throw some bombs and our soilder's lives around - even there it's a failure. Iraq's exporting less oil today then when Saddam left power. Our post invasion decision to guard the ministry of oil while ignoring the looting of Baghdad's museums, guess that didn't pay off.

Of course, maybe Bush incoporated is not so upset with a quarter increase in the value of crude. So what if that oil ain't getting pumped today? It'll sit there just fine while Kurds, Shia, and Sunni's terrorize and slaughter each other. Five, ten years down the road, when every sentient being who gave an honest fuck about the Iraqi people is either dead or has been driven, despondent, from her sands; there will be some fucking tyrant around to turn back on those pumps. I'd say it's a good bet he'll decided to make sure the black gold flows to the West, too.

This war makes me angry. I don't know what else to say.

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