Thursday, February 23, 2006

Just Fuck 'em

Somedays I just ain't got the connection to the true love of the universe and I just want to tell people to fuck off.

Case in point: An associate of mine this morning broke into the scene to breathlessly tell a story about how marvelously her god is working in her life. In a two minute run-on sentence generously peppered with the phrases 'so like' and 'and then', she detailed a trip to the local Mexican restaurant and the encounter with a little girl there. "Oh, are you going to be our little waitress? And then, she like wanted to come over and sit with us, and so we like started talking about God and she like didn't know anything about him, and then we kept talking and then she was praying with us and accepting Jesus into her heart. And I knew my craving for fried ice cream was God's way of . . ."

So now the parents are uncertain about letting their daughter wander off to youth group with these two - but now their daughter really wants to go and they have so much fun at youth group and she'll make so many friends.

I'm sorry, but how is this different from child abuse? Or worse, traffiking drugs or tobacco to small children. Too many busy parents might think that because these folks are talking about god and religion that they have the child's best interest at heart - WRONG, these are dangerously irrational cultists who are driven by an overwhealming need to reinforce their own faith (to get their fix) and spreading the virus to children can and will get them off.

This little girl lives in a very nice little world, the beauty of youthful consciousness before too many of the dark realities of life have made their lacerations. If her parents have not elected to tell her about Jesus, maybe they don't fucking want to. Maybe she's the progeny of some atheists, or pagans, or buddhists, or fucking Jehovah's Witnessess, either way they don't want somebody preying upon their innocent child.

If someone with a swastika on their armband came to your front door and told you that they'd been talking to your child and that now your kid really wants to join the Hitler Youth Program and make some friends and have some fun, you might be a little scared and a little pissed off. This is no different. The program they have for your children is a full-immersion brainwashing routine that will strip your children from your grasp before you know it. Then you'll either have to adapt to their paradigm or your children will do something terrible to you - they will start to pity you.

There ain't a cult in the history of the world that didn't advocate getting them young.

Let's just be honest about it. Modern Evagdom in America is a big fucking cult of drug addicts. They have perfected the socially reinforced release of endorphins that group bonding can produce. What voodo and santaria started, the modern evag has finished; a complicated ritual where singing and professions of belief combine with group dynamics and a reinforced sense of being special to release a shitload of endorphins. What an athlete might feel once a year when he wins that big game, the evag heaps on themselves and their brethren every week.

They will use that drug to fuck up your kid's sense of pleasure, in a way it is on par with mary jane. Ten year olds don't need access to that either.

They will tell your children that this artificial sense of belonging that can only be created by having a group of humans profess the same things and sing and hold hands while acting submissive to a greater god (who serves as a father figure to the adult children who will indulge in such abhorent behavior) and this skews the child's perspective on what the standard for pleasure should be in their life. This is combined with a load of shit about how depression and all sorts of other maladies are caused by the agony of being 'seperated from god' to produce a system that swallows its own tail and will swallow your kid's individuality.

I got to say, I don't have children and never intend to. If someone tried that shit on my kids or the kids of my family - they're going to the hospital.

I hate the whole arrogant notion of proselytizing. If someone's faith truly drives them to it, then go after the parents and talk to them. Target the children and you ain't no better than a piece of shit drug pusher. I've never been quite so pissed off.

I love your first sentence!!
What if the child was Jewish and that's why she never heard of Jesus? Plus, there are some pretty damn freaky Jesus cults in Texas. So, I imagine they are everywhere. Scary!!!
You make a good point. That child is no safer with someone who claims to be under "divine action" than a stranger trying to talk them into into drugs.
But LOL at Leo's comment!!

PS. I am trying to give depression hell!! Not just my own, but other's as well. It's a hard fight, but worth it.
Ahh Aurelius, I hear and sympathize with your plight. My question for you today is this: Did you tell your associate of yours about your feelings? Saying associate sort of implies that you work with them, so this might be tough, but if its someone you spend time with as friends, it might be time to consider either parting ways or beating your friend. If you haven't told them how you feel, does he/she have access to this website? Just being on here doesnt help you, your associate, or that small child.

Just food for thought.
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i not only agree with you im saying a big amen at home...very religious people scare the fuck out of me...and when gwbush started in about doing God's work, I knew we were double fucked...and leo my friend is dead on..and babs..your right i do like it here..
Always enjoy your rants, Aurelius; clear and to the point. Cheered me up a bit on a morning I'm really bummed about the whole Kirby Puckett business.
Very cool design! Useful information. Go on!
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