Friday, March 31, 2006

Noam Chomsky on Democracy Now!

This afternoon on Democracy Now!, professor Noam Chomsky gets the full hour for an interview. The link is right over on my sidebar, I value this program greatly. Go check it out.

Mr. Chomsky was just named like #1 citizen of the world by some international board. He's got a pretty damn big brain.

I doubt anybody can be a good citizen or informed individual without having read some of his unbelievable work.

If any conservatives would like to suggest a thinker of Chomsky's stature on the other side, please let me know. Of course, if a conservative read some Chomsky, he or she would be so shocked by how mis-informed they are about how the world works and what progressives are actually fighting for that they might have quite a change of heart.

But this is it, you Yanks dig your own kind of stuff just to support your preconcieved ideas and absolutely refuse to hear what other stuff might be out there. I been throgh few of the American political blogs now and it is striking how little these two sides have any meaningful dialog. The norm is that you, and with this I don't mean you personally, tend to breach to converted and occassionally when you meet the result is just a cranky rant and nobody is listening.
hmmm. eurotrash was well name...i like chomsky...get the nation and they mentioned his appearance..will check it out..
I'd say eurotrash's analysis is pretty accurate, but that might be the current condition - not the goal.

Now the label liberal has been fucked up and down for longer than I've been on this planet, but I believe that a sizable component to that ideology lies in trying to see all sides of an issue. In our society, the media is just fucking terrible, and our eduction system ain't much better. A lot of folks engage in politics like you brits root for the local football team.

This comment has gotten to me more than the ususal evag who warns my soul of certain damnation. I try hard not to just rant and preach to the converted. I also try hard to consume media from all sorts of disparate sources. When it comes to the neo-conned media, however, I have a hard time not just dismissing it as worthless propaganda aimed at folks who have probably devoted all of five minutes in their life to a serious investigation of how realpolitik works. They tell them what they want to hear. They tell them how smart they are for agreeing with them. Then they bash the other side with labels only a half-step more evolved than a grade-school recess rumble.

I'd love for a conservative to give me the name of a author who be the match for Mr. Chomsky. I'm kinda leaning towards Kevin Phillips, but he agrees with me about a President who goes around telling people he's on a mission from God.
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