Thursday, May 25, 2006

Morning Stream of Consciousness

I lost another fucking book of stamps. I swear, I'm definately doing my part to insure that stamp prices don't get hiked again in the next few years. Every time I buy a book of stamps (and often, I'm so unprepared for the 'pay bill phase' of the month that I'm buying said stamps at an ATM for 15% markup) I never use more than five a month, then I loose the damn things. Cheese on Rice!

I should just accept that a highly forgetful mind be a highly developed, creative mind. In order to be able to grapple with the complex issues of modernity and the spiritual existence of a dissadent American, well, that requires a lot of free memory space to move those big blocks of information around. When my brain defragments every week (usually Thursday nights, as I watch UFC reality show on Spike) lots of little bits like where I put my stamps or my truck keys gets reallocated somewhere I can't immediately find Friday morn.

Been getting more than a few comments lately about my spelling errors. Thanks for the editing, most writers have to pay someone to do that. I'd just like to repeat part of my Mission Statement, however. When the Atheist Seeker gives it to ya, he gives it to ya raw. Rarely do I proof read or go back and edit my shit. Part of it be that I often compose my posts in a highly focused state, and when I go back to rewrite them, I feel my passion for the position waning. Waning passion always sucks; I try to avoid that feeling. Secondly, I already feel that I spend an amount of time blogging that many moogles in the 'real world' might consider an addiction. I bet I'm late for work at least twice a week cuz I'm on a rant. It's O.K. I'm borderline self-employed, and I find the spontaneous creation of plausible excuses an enjoyable use of my creative talents. Yet when one takes a big step back and realizes that, even though I do enjoy readership on four continents, the topical nature of blogging combined with the fact that only a few dozen folks are going to read a post . . . well a sic, sic, here, and a sic, sic there . . . I think my time is better spent on the creation of fresh content then the arduous task of spell checking.

Since I run Firefox, I usually have hooked up in another tab. When a word don't quite look right to me I quick check it there. I'd say my spelling vocabulary has improved quite a bit since I started doing it this way. When I just run a spellchecker, I don't have to think as much. I now know for a fucking fact that 'across' be spelled with just one 'c'.

Finally, I'm pondering my frequent use of the pronoun 'you' when I get into a rant about evag thought. For example: 'You want to live in a world where everyone believes the same thing, where you can just do what you are told rather than have to struggle with the meaning of life as a man.' I wonder if it turns too many of my potential readers off, like I'm accusing them of holding opinions that they do not have. I've also got some feedback from a very valued critic who doesn't like the word 'evag' all that much. Like 'proddie' or 'papist' it ain't meant to be a nice term. I've been thinking about shortening it to just 'vag, since the 'e' in front reminds me too much of the sorry 'e-ification' that went on during the bubble. Email, ezines, eporn, . . .

Fuck spelling... you just rant. You do it so well!!
im with babs..if they graded me on spulling..i'd be fucked...
i always put my stamps in my wallet behind my check book..that way i cant lose them...
Being a non English speaker with a limited capacity in spelling, it certainly doesn't bother me if there is an ocassional spelling mistake. Who gives a flying squat! The most critical thing is what you have to say, and brother, you have plenty to say. This critisism must be coming from the source that envies your capacity to think and experss it the way that very few can. Keep on trucking just the way you do!
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