Wednesday, July 05, 2006

You might be an evangelikal if. . .

I'm considering a new career in stand-up comedy.

As I've mentioned earlier, the term evag is meant to be derogatory. Not every christian is an evag, and some christians actually do make the world better for having lived out their lives in it. But not the evags.

Are you an evagelikal . . .?

If you've ever enjoyed a positive reinforcement for actions that emphasized bonding with a large group . . . you might be evangelikal. . .

If 'working on our marraige' = avoiding pornography and hate'n on the gays, . . . you might be evangelikal. . .

If you have ever started a debate about the teaching of evolution, and then immediately starting bringing up the 'big bang.' . . . you might be evangelikal. . .

If you have a picture of Jesus hanging inside of your house, . . . you might be evangelikal. . .

If you see a starving child on the television, and you think 'the best thing I could ever do for that poor child is to help her accept Jesus as her personal savior' . . . you might be evangelikal. . .

If you think that the reason Heather has two mommies is because her father has multiple wives . . . you might be evangelikal. . .

If you hope your daughter never has sex before marraige, because doing so would lower her value as a commodity . . . you might be evangelikal. . .

If everytime you have sex with you wife, it is a threesome, cuz the lord Jesus is personally involved . . . you might be evangelikal. . .

If your uncle has ever asked for your hand in marraige, and everyone in your family thinks it's a great Idea. . . you might be evangelikal. . .

If you have ever received a letter thanking your for your prayers - signed by George W. Bush - . . . you might be evangelikal. . .

If the phrase 'but it's not Amway' gives you comfort . . . you might be evangelikal. . .

If you have ever ended an arguement with the phrase, 'cuz the bible says so.' . . . you might be evangelikal. . .

'Jesus loves me this I know..' for you Catholics, Jews, Muslims,homo's, and any body who ever voted for a Democrat. 'cause the Bible tells me so.'
ahh, I am sooo glad I'm a pagan...
LMAO!!! Those are great!!

Was no one paying attention to South Park? It's the mormons that get into heaven, the rest are going to hell anyway...Jeez.
also LMAO...i'm deeply religious but still enjoy making fun of evangelikal...
Great list, you elicited audible sounds of mirth from my pie tube.

Also, if you've ever put your hands on your television because someone on the 700 Club told you to, you might be an evangelikal.
Excellent, love it! » » »
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