Wednesday, August 09, 2006
My thoughts on the whole Joe Lieberman thing
So every jackhole yahoo who gets irate on the cable news thinks that the defeat of Joe Lieberman be the crack in the foundation of the House of Democrats. The dems must be a party in the held hostage by the madness of a liberal fringe, so mindlessly self-destructive that they would throw the seniority of Senator Lieberman aside in a fit of ideologically motivated cleansing. The barely intelligible, Bush-hating, demogouges who rise to power in these liberal primaries will not have any traction with the 'mainstream voters.' Dispite the Clintons' and the entrenched Washington leaderships best efforts to pull in the rope of democracy - these fools are determined to hang themselves and force voters to favor the more moderate republicans ( oh, and to undermine the war on terror, and maybe our economy and moral values while they are at it.)
Ned Lamont in a millionaire who could be Joe Lieberman's clone except for the jew and the war thing. He is not some firebrand determined to breath life into the flat-lining democratic party. He's just a guy who say an opportunity to snag a job with a 98% retention rate, and dabble in some real power.
As a liberal and an independant, I think the weakness of Lieberman comes down to a simple stance:
We have sat incredulous for six years as a President has started multiple wars, bungled multiple catastrophes, and made a religious practice out of funneling our taxpayer dollars into the corporations of his friends and donors. During the rare moments anyone in the press confronts him on these acts, he stutters out some flat out bullshit - and they eat it right up and regurgitate it to us.
We're tired, and we are so disappointed in a Congress, particularily a Senate, which has done so little to stand up for Americans, or for the truth.
Joe Lieberman supported Bush publically on the war. He let himself be used as a prop when the Rove machine wanted to spin Iraq away from 'Bush's Crusade' and into 'America's Fight.'
We want to see a democratic majority so that come November we can finally begin to initiate the investigations (with subpeona power) that every informed citizen still can't believe are on hold. We want impeachment. We want someone to finally give media time to those who are risking everything to speak truth to power.
Joe Lieberman has proved that he is not that sort of man, so he has to go. I'd say about another thirty of them could be replaced for the party to get serious, but one at a time is the way it works. I don't feel sorry for him at all.
A worker in this country can lose his job, healthcare and pension all in one fell outsourcing swoop, at least Mr. Lieberman is being unemployed based on his performance.
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I think it sends a clear signal to Democrat incumbents: your constituents will exact a price for being an accessory to the current world crisis.
I'm currently watching Harold Ford's campaign in my home state of Tennessee with great interest.
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I'm currently watching Harold Ford's campaign in my home state of Tennessee with great interest.
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