Wednesday, September 06, 2006

War is Peace! Violence is Compassion! Hail the Leader!

President of the United States of America, the honorable and majestic George W. Bush:

Despite these strategic setbacks, the enemy will continue to fight freedom's advance in Iraq, because they understand the stakes in this war. Again, hear the words of bin Laden, in a message to the American people earlier this year. He says: "The war is for you or for us to win. If we win it, it means your defeat and disgrace forever."

Now, I know some of our country hear the terrorists' words, and hope that they will not, or cannot, do what they say. History teaches that underestimating the words of evil and ambitious men is a terrible mistake. In the early 1900s, an exiled lawyer in Europe published a pamphlet called "What Is To Be Done?" -- in which he laid out his plan to launch a communist revolution in Russia. The world did not heed Lenin's words, and paid a terrible price. The Soviet Empire he established killed tens of millions, and brought the world to the brink of thermonuclear war. In the 1920s, a failed Austrian painter published a book in which he explained his intention to build an Aryan super-state in Germany and take revenge on Europe and eradicate the Jews. The world ignored Hitler's words, and paid a terrible price. His Nazi regime killed millions in the gas chambers, and set the world aflame in war, before it was finally defeated at a terrible cost in lives.

What a cock knocker.

First off, I'm enough of a socialist to be plenty pissed off by that statement. The communism that Lenin set out to fuel a revolution in Russia with was not the communism that killed 'tens of millions, and brought the world to the brink of thermonuclear war.' The communism of Lenin and Trotsky was one of words and Ideas; men and women read those words, felt those Ideas and acted to bring down a fucking heriditary ruler and begin to change the fucking serfdom system. It was people rising up against a shitty autocrat, and the government they established was legitimate. . .

Then every country in the Western World (including the U.S.) declared war on them. Political systems in the West were too similar to the one that had Russian Armies convinced to lay down their arms rather than kill thier own people for an imbred Tsar. The example set by the October Revolution had to be wiped from the minds of the world. The European ruling class was going to get communism before it got them.

The nature of the communism in Russia changed as a result of the outside pressures, just as Islam has changed in the last sixty years. Soon communism became 'war communism' a series of centralizations of power that were necessary because enemy troops were on their soil. Violent times lead to the idolization of violent men; Stalin struck like a cobra. He implemented a horrifically effective police state, and those 'tens of millions' belong on his 'Stalinism' and not on the evaluations of the class war between Working Class and Ruling Class that Lenin and Trotsky operated under.

Mr. Bush's complete and deliberate mischaracterization of Lenin aside (and it is deliberate, too many Bush fans hold 'commies are evil' as a truth much more self-evident than 'all men are created equal') , what the fuck!?!

He does'nt feel that us citizens, the poor fuckers who actually think we have some duty as a member of American society to listen to his 'Presidential' speech, have the thinking capacity of children. His fucking market analysists have the whole fucking thing all figured out, with the same equations they use to sell toothpaste, about what phrases 'sell well' and they not him, determine the content of his speech. I doubt he even bothers to proof-read the thing before he performs it with radio coaching from backstage.

What the fuck kind of logic is he getting at here. Because Hitler wrote a book about his intentions before he got himself democratically elected to office in a free country, we are suppose to take the rantings of every single religious wacko as a absolutely fatal progrostication which can only be avoided by World War?

Hitler was not a threat to the world because he dreamed of exterminating the Jewish race. I bet there are thousands of bald headed white guys just within fifty miles of my computer here that have the same racist dreams. He was a threat to the world because he controlled a country where loyalty to the Leader was more important than anything else; the largest military on the planet and massive industrial and technological assets. That's what seperated Hitler from just another anti-semite, just that little detail about a huge fucking army, navy, and ruthless secret police.

Bin Laden should be evaluated as a threat on the same scale.

War is Peace! What the Fuck?

I read that speech and I just can't believe it. How can the President of the United States get off saying such pathologically illogical shit and not get called on it by the press? Are there really people in this country who listen to this sort of thing and not feel like they've just been kicked in the balls? The audacity of that man, to ridicule the office of President and use that podium as a means of spinning propaganda and fear-mongering.

Embrace Fascim to Fight 'Fascism'!

Godwin's Law holds true once again. I knew it would only be a matter of time before the neocons would start comparing Osama to Hitler. But see, now we've reached a zenith. How could they possibly characterize bin Ladin in a worse way than to say he's like Hitler? What are they going to do next, say he is like Satan? (You know, the same thing the terrorists say about Americans...)

I swear, these have been the stupidest six years of my life.
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