Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Baby Boomers

I recently started a new job, and the institution that I know work for has a slightly larger regional footprint than my previous employer. Thus I'm inclined to take greater precautions to protect the anonymity of myself and my employer. I'm not the kind of cat that blogs about my work or my co-workers (well, rarely) but I'm still uncertain as to the implications of some of my new co-workers reading my rants.

It's just something that I've never had to think about before.

Anyways, we're going to try a blog that takes off from the launchpad of my daily life, but hopefully does not cross any ethical boundaries regarding my responsibilities to my new employer.

I'm now working with some analysists who are busy thinking about how the long-term care industry will have to change in the next decade to stay competitve. One guy with a salary that dwarfs mine: "I'm a baby boomer, and when we begin to retire in another decade the sort of long term care we put our parents into just isn't going to do it for us. I look back on the sort of place where we put my mother and I cringe - baby boomers are not going to put up with that. We are going to demand more services and better amenities."

What is up with these darn baby boomers?!?

How much has America suffered because this one generation has been seduced by those who would sell them shit that they are 'entitled' to something? How illogical is it to stuff your own parents into a dumpy nursing home until they die (andthey did have a choice, any one of them could have taken their parents into their home or come up with some other solution. I'm sure a spiritually aware minority did) but now that they're facing the big darkness they 'demand' something better? This is the generation that said yes to NAFTA cuz they wanted their dollars to go further with the illegal aliens. This is the generation that wants a pill for everything from cholesteral to a limp dick and thinks our entire healthcare system ought to list in the direction of the phamacuetical companies that provide their little helpers. I'm tired of it.

My generation endured 4 and a freaking half hours of television a day thanks to baby boomers who never thought to question the damage that replacing a quarter of your conscious time with artificial stimuli might inflict upon developing minds. Hunh?!? Might a horrific schism between reality and what makes up a sizable percentage of their Ideas and Images (T.V.) lead to bit of depression?

Is my inner rage cooling now that I have reliable health coverage? Six months ago I'd just be hitting my stride. Now I'm tired of it.

I'm just impressed that you have co-workers that can read! I'm not sure what that would be like.
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