Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Yo, Joshua Muravchik scores one!

(overheard near the water cooler within the Republican Machine, between two controllers of ideological operatives)

A Yo!, did you hear about Joshua Muravchick?

B No, what up?

A He totally killed 'gainst Amy G'man today!

B Um, Muravchikim'explaininghtheUnitedNationstopavethewayforward. . .

A Dude! Lil' man done pointed out he was outnumbered two to one by McCarthy and Kucinich, 'I'm the victim pussysounds', then chastises her journalistic cred. He had hit on the 'we'll be responsible for genocide' excuse and referred to AG as 'little miss moderator', before he ever got around to dropping the moneyshot.

B 'Little miss moderator' before he stroked off even one 9/11. . . This is reach around.

A No, Murav's too trivial for play'n, this be the loyal dope.

B So he's the next big thing?

A Oh, Pshaw! It's the blessed Kennedy Principle: both a powerhouse intellectual and a true believer - we don't push buttons on guys who both.

B Moooorav! inflected to rhyme the Marine battlecry.

A He scored a bunch of key word bombs early, but took too much time trying to establish himself as a thinker by pointing out a few of the official 'errors'

B Rummy Down! Rummy Down! feigning a panicking chopper pilot on Black Hawk Down.

A Yet, turns out him and everybody else out there 'had criticized Rumsfeld's descisions from the very beginning.' Of course we should have had more troops to begin with, cuz escalations the solution now DUMBASS! I LOVE THAT.

B Yeah, Jesus Love.

A Anyhoo, give it an ear then e me, short term link, I want to promote it and use it for training purposes, lines you want to see reinforced should be to me in 24.

B Aiiieh, 24.

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