Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Tears of the Father

Why is the First Father breaking into tears in public places? I know that the bitch media is making sure that every opening paragraph frames them as 'tears of pride for his son Jeb,' but what sort of fella is going to buy into that?

The chances are fairly fair that President George W. Bush will be sacrificed for the 'good of the party.' Just like after Vietnam and Iran-Contra, too many of the slumbering masses are getting a bit too savvy regarding how the government works - and that's never a good thing for those who believe the U.S. government exists to serve the elite class. The best and the brightest of the spinmeisters are doing their damn'est to keep the Fortunate Son free of the consequences of his actions (as he has been his entire fucking life), but that just might not be possible anymore.

As he falls so will the Bush name, and so will the chances of Jeb.

The gossip always was the Bush the father was never too keen on bull-headed junior being used as a figurehead for Cheney, Rumsfeld and their neo-con cultists. A man whose personality was tempered by cocaine, falling down alcoholism, and messianic goofball christianity; perhaps not the sort of fabric from which a great President is cut. Compound that with a set of values that places submissive respect and personal loyalty over any other virtues - well, we now see what troubles haunt George H W Bush's soul.

When the republican party controls so much media, with such a lockstep dissemination of talking points and smears, this sort of thing should never happen. Without even mentioning the crazy amounts of voter suppression alleged to have been taking place - only evags can feel comfortable voting on a paperless touchscreen, cuz it's totally an act of faith. Seats in the Federal Congress are damn near locked in for incumbants, like 98% re-election rates, how in the world does the Grand Old Party lose both houses in a mid-term?

Blame the particularly weak performance of President Bush and folks like ourselves who get a least a balancing view of the world from alternative media. Our kind forced the democrats to get in up in 2006, now we're long, and we're strong, and we ain't gonna let Nancy Pelosi deal away the momentum that we've got going. Well, we're sure gonna try not to let them return to the teats of K Street and Big Business.

Mr. Bush may be a lame duck, but that duck has just begun being prepped for cooking. For the last six years he's operated under a protective blanket of two subservent Houses and a Federal Judiciary largely stocked with partisan hacks. He could be manipulated into lying about our reasons for going to war with Iraq, and blow sunshine up our asses about how easy that war would be. He could insist that nobody got any civilian positions over there unless they were of proven loyalty to the Republican Party (Bush Chapter, naturally.) His military could violate the Geneva Conventions with both in what they did (collective punishment on cities such as Fallujah, use of banned and questionable munitions - white phospherous, cluster bombs, DU shells) and what they failed to do (provide security for the civilian population) George Bush gave himself legislative powers as he 'refined' over 800 of the laws he signed with 'signing statements' that - such as with the McCain bill that redundantly forbid torture - declared he personally could ignore any part of it when he felt it was right. Oh, and he took war profiteering to new levels, and fucked up FEMA and just about everything about Katrina. He spyed on Americans, had foreign nationals kidnapped by the CIA and tortured, and has driven at least a dozen men out of the human family via the highly effective techniques at Gitmo and other places. I doubt Mr. Padilla will ever be able to interact with anyone as a human being for the rest of his wretched existence.

Did I forget anything? I have a feeling I did.

I don't think it's a question of should he be impeached. For me the question is, 'how the fuck can he not be?!?'

So perhaps the tears of the father are invoked by visions of the girls on 'The View' discussing what sort of crappy parenting generates such a loser and a sociopath. I think the impetus for waterworks is a bit more pragmatic.

Daddy Bush sits on the board of the Carlyle Group. Oil is the most important thing in the world to those people. The House of Bush and the House of Saud do more than hold hands in public. If we are to believe some of what the ISG says, that the situation on the ground in Iraq might be ten times worse that gets reported here, that means the ruling family in Saudi Arabia ain't happy. Sunni vs Shia violence (the House of Saud is Sunni) , perhaps millions of Iraqi refugees fleeing into, and destabalizing, neighboring states; an Iran that grows in influence every day.

I think ole Bandar has pulled the smooth skin of his masculine grip out of the elder Bush's hand. I think someone's heart might be breaking.

i'll be interested to see how many corporate directorships junior gets when he's completed his tour of duty at el blanco casa. or maybe he'll listen to dylan:

Well, she talks to all the servants
About man and God and law.
Everybody says
She's the brains behind pa.
She's sixty-eight, but she says she's twenty-four.
I ain't gonna work for Maggie's ma no more.
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