Saturday, May 05, 2007

Personal Update, thoughts on decline of culture, random brain misfirings

Cindy helped get me started, and soon four hours of my life were sacrificed to the capricious deities of Blogger and HTML. I'm still not sure what happened to my profile pic and my blog description, maybe they will just pop up sometime in the future. That's what used to happen with my Google ads, sometimes they'd load in time, sometimes they won't. Anyways.

I'm going to make another attempt at being a more regular blogger. I've hit my six months at the new job, and while I have considerably more free time now (the daily commute went from around two hours to ten minutes), the job requires me to be there early and prepared to patiently socialize. Back in the good 'ole days I'd start blogging with me morning coffee, and stop when I felt like it - an hour in the truck on my way to the job site gave me plenty of time to get my thoughts in order. Now I don't even get to empty the coffeemaker before I'm pulling into the parking garage.

To say that my supervisor has 'the gift of gab' qualifies as the understatement of the epoch. Some days, after hours of animated conversation darting from refinishing a '67 chevy to Bush's utter incompetence like a mongoose on meth, I'm just worn out with communications. Back when I worked with the ignorant evags, I came home desperate for intelligent communication with the woman. Now it's a brace of beers, the ball game and 'please shut the hell up.'

Yet I know that my world is defined by my assumptions and all that rot. Change my habits, change my expectations. Nothing is good or evil but thinking makes it so.

Tomorrow is the May Day festival at Powderhorn Park across the river. Great parade and paganesque ceremony celebrating spring, rebirth, and renewal. I'm hoping to catch a bit of the positive energy (and an eyefull of young female squeezed into a chainmail bra.)

Holy crap! The Twins are playing, and Santana's got a lead. . .

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