Friday, November 16, 2007

Day 29

Day 29, that's 41% of the way through damnable sobriety.

It still sucks.

The intense migraines have laid off a bit, yet the luster of life still be dull.

Cin's got me on a shitload of herbs and vitamins to assist in the detoxification process. I've got enough B vitamin in my system to turn my pee into the color of anti-freeze. That's novel.

Yesterday way 'National Smoke Out Day' (not that anybody promotes it - fuck if we'd ever use our omnipotent media infrastructure to do anything but sell ED drugs. ) On a day like today I've got absolutely zero patience for anyone who hasn't quit the cancer sticks yet. Toughen up candy-asses! If I can have my own personal weakness kick me in the nuts (and my liver's nuts) over and over again for two months and change, you can go twenty-four hours without nicotine.

People assure me there is some element of spiritual growth in denying oneself pleasures.

Maybe I'll get lucky and a truck will back over me on my way to work. With my fucking luck, I'll be on my way to Boozemart on December 28th when some vacuum tube at NORAD burns out and our entire nuclear arsenal goes off.

Yeah, Alanis, isn't that ironic?

1/2 cup of hot water every hour is a great de-tox.

my sobriety mantra:

alcohol is a weapon of the state.
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